Professional Development Training

EqualityMaine provides a wide range of cultural competency trainings and professional development opportunities that address broad issues concerning LGBTQ+ people as well as specific areas of focus. We regularly consult with organizations, businesses, and schools regarding working with and/or supporting members of the LGBTQ+ community, especially in regards to public policy, industry regulations, and the law. We also provide our experience and expertise to specific areas of practice like human resources, education and schools, social services and healthcare. Training and workshop packages vary in length and can be tailored to fit your specific needs and audience. We offer both in person and virtual training options depending on your needs.

LGBTQ+ and Gender 101

Designed as a prerequisite for our other workshops, this training provides all participants with a shared understanding of the LGBTQ+ community, introductory  information about the gender spectrum and gender identities, and best practices to support people in these communities on a daily basis.

Designed to build upon Gender 101, this training will provide a more comprehensive learning opportunity about gender with specific focus on transgender, nonbinary, and other gender expansive identities and the best ways to support this community in your school.

This workshop is designed to build upon LGBTQ+ and Gender 101 in order to specifically address your school’s work with LGBTQ+ youth, actionable steps to promote a safe and inclusive environment.

Making Your Staff More LGBTQ+ Inclusive

This workshop is designed to build upon LGBTQ+ and Gender 101. This workshop is tailored to the specific needs of your organization. General examples of material in this workshop include: inclusive hiring and onboarding practices, supporting transgender people in the workplace, navigating healthcare and health insurance, and best practices for LGBTQ+ cultural competency in the workplace.

For afterschool programs.

This workshop builds upon our LGBTQ and Gender 101 course in order to help afterschool professionals build inclusive and safe spaces for LGBTQ+ youth and families. This workshop will include information on affirming school and club sports, school-based non-curricular clubs, GSTAs support, and other non-academic activities.

Student Centered Trainings

This workshop will be tailored to the needs of your student populations based on a series of factors specific to your school/district. This workshop will include LGBTQ+ and Gender 101 introductory information as well as activities to meet the needs of your student body. The time and type of workshop will vary.

LGBTQ+ and Gender 101

Designed as a prerequisite for our other workshops, this training provides all participants with a shared understanding of the LGBTQ+ community, introductory  information about the gender spectrum and gender identities, and best practices to support people in these communities on a daily basis.

Designed to build upon Gender 101, this training will provide a more comprehensive learning opportunity about gender with specific focus on transgender, nonbinary, and other gender expansive identities and the best ways to support this community in your school.

This workshop is designed to build upon LGBTQ+ and Gender 101. This workshop is tailored to the specific needs of your organization. General examples of material in this workshop include: inclusive hiring and onboarding practices, supporting transgender people in the workplace, navigating healthcare and health insurance, and best practices for LGBTQ+ cultural competency in the workplace.

This workshop is geared toward businesses who have majority elderly clients. It seeks to train your employees on the unique challenges LGBTQ+ older adults face as they age. Your employees will walk away with a comprehensive understanding of the hardships that the LGBTQ+ community faces, as well as treatments, and specific care options.

LGBTQ+ and Gender 101

Designed as a prerequisite for our other workshops, this training provides all participants with a shared understanding of the LGBTQ+ community, introductory  information about the gender spectrum and gender identities, and best practices to support people in these communities on a daily basis.

Designed to build upon Gender 101, this training will provide a more comprehensive learning opportunity about gender with specific focus on transgender, nonbinary, and other gender expansive identities and the best ways to support this community in your school.

This workshop is designed to build upon LGBTQ+ and Gender 101 in order to specifically address your school’s work with LGBTQ+ youth, actionable steps to promote a safe and inclusive environment.

Making Your Staff More LGBTQ+ Inclusive

This workshop is designed to build upon LGBTQ+ and Gender 101. This workshop is tailored to the specific needs of your organization. General examples of material in this workshop include: inclusive hiring and onboarding practices, supporting transgender people in the workplace, navigating healthcare and health insurance, and best practices for LGBTQ+ cultural competency in the workplace.

Building off of our LGBTQ and Gender 101 course, this training will equip all participants in actionable steps to be an ally. This interactive workshop will invite participants to engage in discussions, practice scenarios, and build their toolkit in order to move beyond “safe space stickers” in order to become an effective ally. 

Informative and eye-opening.

“We cannot thank you enough for an amazing workshop. The staff haven’t stopped talking about it. It was informative and eye-opening!”