
Pride Aroostook

From the back roads to the back porches, Pride Aroostook is a welcoming & inclusive community of rural & small town LGBTQ+ folks & our allies. We are committed to supporting County residents & providing spaces for us to be our whole, authentic selves.

Aroostook Pride Festival takes place the third weekend in June, but community building events happen year round. 

Q Chat Space for LGBTQ+ teens

Q Chat Space provides online discussion groups for LGBTQ+ teens ages 13 to 19. It is not a forum. It is live and chat based; there is no video or audio. Everyone is chatting during the same pre-scheduled time.

Pride Portland!

Pride Portland! brings people in the Greater Portland, Maine area together for an annual parade and festival to celebrate and honor the accomplishments of the LGBTQ+ movement, raise awareness of the community’s ongoing struggles, and foster an environment of inclusivity, accessibility and solidarity.

Congregation Beth El

Congregation Beth El is a Reform Jewish Congregation which strives to create a spiritually, socially, and geographically diverse community. They welcome everyone–interfaith couples, people exploring their Jewish roots, those considering conversion to Judaism, visitors, and non-members–to all services and special events.

Public Religion Research Institute

PRRI’s research explores and illuminates America’s changing cultural, religious, and political landscape. PRRI’s mission is to help journalists, scholars, pundits, thought leaders, clergy, and the general public better understand debates on public policy issues, and the important cultural and religious dynamics shaping American society and politics.

Unitarian Universalist Society of Bangor

As a faith community, we are focused on spiritual growth and service. We are a welcoming congregation, supporting the inherent worth and dignity of every person.

The Reformation Project

The Reformation Project is a Bible-based, Christian grassroots organization that works to promote inclusion of LGBTQ people by reforming church teaching on sexual orientation and gender identity. We envision a global church that fully affirms LGBTQ people.

The Venture Out Project

The Venture Out Project is committed to facilitating backpacking and wilderness trips for the queer and trans community in a safe and inclusive environment. Comprehensive inclusion workshops for educators, adventure professionals, summer/day camps and more are available.

Bar Harbor Pride

Bar Harbor holds an annual Pride Festival, a weekend celebration of the queer community on Mount Desert Island.

Colby College - The Bridge

Catered specifically to Colby’s queer community, The Bridge is Colby’s all-inclusive, LGBTQIA2S+ student-run club. They work on intersectional community building through campus outreach/education and justice-based action. The Bridge strives to create and foster spaces that serve the diverse range of identities at Colby and sponsors events such as Tea Times, Family Dinners, and their annual Transgender November Month and Pride Week programming. All Colby students, whether they identify as queer or allies, are encouraged to join as members.


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